“Enrichment beyond the classroom”
Make an Ad
Although Make an Ad is a literacy based strategy that appears extremely content specific, identifying different types of propaganda styles, it can easily be altered into a strategy that satisfies the needs of other historical content. This strategy could also be used a formative assessment. Make an Ad is an activity that critically and creatively engages students by challenging them to produce an advertisement. These ads could be for a specific person, political party, event, or even a concept. For example, this literacy based strategy could be used to check student comprehension of topics such as the Great Depression, key political elections, wars, or other historical events through the use of summarizing articles, primary sources, or text book readings. These ads will appeal to all types of learners, visual, auditory, and kinesthetic learners.
*Activate Background Knowledge & Make Connections
*Determine Importance
*Synthesize and Summarize Information