“Enrichment beyond the classroom”
Quick Writes
Quick writes provide endless opportunities for students to think things through about people and events. The strategy can be used before or after reading a text or lesson. They can also be used a entry or exit tickets. A question is asked and students activate background knowledge and write down their answers as fast as possible. They are helpful because they allow students to self-assess themselves. This literacy based strategy could easily be used in a social studies classroom by having students respond to a primary source, perform a practice document based question, or give students creative freedom to write about what they wish. Quick writes should not be used for formative assessment, but to communicate between the student and the teachers. Not only can the quick writes pertain to lessons/texts, they can be used to identify what students do and do not understand. They can be as open ended or restricted as the teacher wants. Also, they can be used to distinguish how the students are feeling with a certain topic, showing a strategy that gives teachers feedback.
*Activate Background Knowledge & Make Connections
*Make Inferences
*Synthesize and Summarize Information